As a filmmaker for BuzzFeed from 2017-2019, I directed more than 50 videos, most of which received a million or more views online.

Each video had a budget of only $300, and I was required to write, shoot, direct, and edit each one, often on very tight deadlines. The experience, while often difficult, taught me how to maximize every budget dollar to the most effective and creative degree –– a tactic I’ve continued to utilize and hone in my filmmaking today.

Below are some of my favorite projects from my time there.

‘Kids These Days’ TVC

A TV spot for Playfull, the parenting lifestyle brand created by BuzzFeed and NBC. I directed and edited this spot, which aired on television on NBC during the 2018 Winter Olympics.

The Ultimate Guide to Eggs

One part journalism, one part arts and crafts. This mini documentary explains all the things you never wanted to know about eggs. To achieve a whimsical — but still informative — tone, I hand-crafted tiny worlds comprised of eggs and other food props to visualize everything from cage-free farm statistics to mustachioed Harvard scientists.

After The After: 80 Pounds

This short film is an interpretation of my co-worker Rachel’s 80-pound weight loss journey, told through stop motion food animation and abstract imagery.


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